Tips To Use Cartridge Refill Ink i will share some tips to use catridge refill ink...

After you refill an ink cartridge, it should weigh the same as a new cartridges. Overfilling a cartridge will cause the cartridge to prematurely quit on you. Cartridges use a sponge to hold ink, by overfilling you wet the upper portion of the sponge causing the ink to want to flow upwards, away from the print nozzles.
New ink cartridges come with a postage-paid envelope requesting you to send your old ink cartridge in for recycling.
Avoid letting your ink cartridge run dry. Check and refill it periodically to keep it maintained. Try not to leave it unused for a long period of time. Try to print something at least once a week. This will help it last longer.
Be sure to inject the ink slowly to avoid any air bubbles that can cause poor printing results.
If one color is having difficulty printing after you insert the print cartridge, remove from printer and recheck the tape covering the fill holes. Lift it and reposition, letting off any suction that may be preventing it from flowing properly.

Don't worry about testing and retesting. It's worth the effort. If you do ruin the cartridge... You can always go buy a new one. You would have had to do that anyway.

If the color still refuses to come out of the cartridge when you print, use the syringe to inject just one or two small drops of (50%Ammonia and 50% distilled water)solution as far down into the cartridge as you can, so it will be near the print head (but not too close, because there's usually a screen above the print head that could be accidentally punctured). This can help dissolve any clots in the almost-microscopic nozzles.

As a last resort before buying a new cartridge, take the (clean) syringe, remove the plunger, and insert the syringe deeply into the cartridge. Put your mouth over the now-open top of the syringe and blow reasonably forcefully. This can help force the semi-loosened clogs from the previous step out of the way of the liquid ink.

Be careful not to let the ink bubble out of the top of the ink jet cartridge as you blow into the syringe. Then dab the nozzle end of the cartridge on a paper towel. Repeat 3-4 times, if necessary. This method can extend the usability of a refilled cartridge from perhaps 5 or 6 refills to 8 or 10. For the cost of a new cartridge, it's worth the extra effort if you're on a tight budget.

Finally, you can use this method if all else fails: Find a printer on sale for less than the cost of a new cartridge. It will include one new cartridge (and sometimes two - black and color), so you now have a new printer with 1 or 2 cartridges for less than the cost of one new cartridge (printer companies sell these printers inexpensively, planning to make their money on future cartridge purchases - unless you know their game). Refill those cartridges until they won't work anymore, and then do it all over again.

May be useful......

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